Sunday 25 November 2007

SYDNEY (14-18.11.07)

OH MY FREAKIN' GOD...................SYDNEY WAS SO SO SO SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!! There is just too much to write about! It is definitely a mini-Asia, that CT just doesn't sleep. It's been a while so I can't remember everything i wanted to write about, so and more photos (pity my sexy Ixus 70 died on me after 2 days sob...)!

Highlights & Other memorable shtuff:
* All the touristy house, bridge, seafood buffet lunch cruise, conservatory, the rocks, darling harbour.....
* Manly beach & Bondi's sculpture by the sea
* Seoul Ria & Yama in QVB & I Spice Thai
* The rocks is like empty as on Friday night!! but Mango beer is yummy!
*Glebe is super duper especially the market on sat and brunch at Otto's!
*Oxford street is so so so long......
* Wanky FAMOUS crowd (posers loL) and the full on intense
Stéven ;P

hahah.......I LUV THE WORLD AND EVERYONE IN IT........xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Mayuran's 24th (10.11.07)

After dancing our asses off for like 8hrs @ DEFCON it was finally time to move MAYURAN'S 24th B-DAY MASH @ the Belgium Bier Cafe! We were so psyched to see him that we decided to JUMP HIM hahah....

It was great to see all the I-viewers again! Ginger & I were still totally "buzzing" and wanting to dance. After a couple of scotch and drys...we were starting to get really cold and kinda sleepy. So Ginger went with DM to his place to grab us some jackets for the night. Afterwards...we somehow out of our craziness, managed to convince a fairly drunken Mayuran to leave his own party and come boggy with us a 3rd Class (ROFL).

We had a mad mad mad mad time there as usual! It was really funny coz Mayuran's mates would be calling him on his mob wondering where he was at eventually some of them came to 3rd too. Anyhoo....good day/night out once again :P

DEFCON (10.11.07)

After missing out on jumping the fence to Parklife in September...I was not going to say NO to jumping DEFCON haha...! Basically it was a super WANKY music festival where all the marquees, stages and security staff are in camouflage gear, and most people in the crowd also dressed to the theme. We decided that it was just too too WANKY to be paying for this commercial Eurotrash techno...but would still be super duper fun to see if we can jump!

So Phamzy, Ginger, Me & Chris were going to meet up with Josh and his mates at Birrarung Marr
to do it. After getting there around 2:30pm in the arvo, we found out that everyone who had legit. tickets received a fluoro yellow arm band...and anyone in the arena without one was getting chucked out by security. A couple of Josh's mates had already jumped and been chucked out multiple times by the time we got there (loL). The problem was that, the place wasn't even was pretty empty inside, so even if we jumped, there was no crowd to hide in! There was a double fence...not too jumping would've been fine...the difficult thing would be to stay in once we've made it over the fence.

After loitering around for an hour or so drinking jager & red bull and watching Josh and his drunken mates shit talk to the security guards...we decided that it was time to DO IT! The first fence was simple...straight problems at all...BUT, the second fence had mesh over I couldn't actually climb up high enough to get my legs over. There was not enough room to do a run up between the first and second fence either, so I was literally hanging there for a while trying to wiggle my body up....damn the lack of arm muscles! Eventually...I just decided to fling and flop my self over...kinda like doing a somersault over the fence. I somehow managed to hit my nose really badly after I flipped over and was a bit dazed...then I opened my eyes only to have Chris' shoes swing past the front my face..and no joke it was like 1cm away. I just stood there in shock loL!!

Anyhoo...we were IN...and started walking away from the fence towards the hill to a stage. There were 3 stages: Headquarters-right next to the fence's we'd just jumped along the Yarra, Academy (house/elecktro) & Platoon (hard trance). Both Academy and Platoon were up a massive hill away from the we made our way over there. During our walk 5mins after we'd jumped, Phamzy and Josh got intercepted by security guards straight away...Josh ran way...but Phamzy wasn't so lucky!

About 10mins later when we made our way to Platoon...I got intercepted by a security guard as well while Ginger & Chris quickly kept on walking and disappeared into the crowd. I was totally creamin' my pants. I just started shit talking...saying that my wrist band was too tight, so another security guard said that I could take it off and just get a new one...and that i just hadn't done it...blah...blah...
He obviously didn't believe me...and he was trying to make me find Ginger and Chris as he escorted me around "looking for them"....but really I was just walking around randomly bobbing the music while I was at it (ROFL)! So then I asked him whether he could just take me somewhere and give me a new wrist band, and he said that I'd have to have prove of purchase. So I said that Ginger had my wallet so I had to find her we just ended up walking around the stage for ages trying to "look for" Ginger and Chris (loL).

As this was going on...about 20 guys tried to jump one of the fences near the Academy tent and they pushed the whole fence to the ground. So there was chaos all around. I got passed over to another female security guard who was a bit nicer, so I just chatted to her really casually and she didn't care at all! Eventually I called Ginger and spoke to her in Mando, telling her to get Aya or Phong (both of her friends who were there with legit. tickets) to come find me so that I can use their tickets for a wrist band. So, Aya found me...but their tickets were taken away from them at the gate and they didn't keep the that was no use. However, she did have her receipt in her car @ FedSquare. By this time even the nice female security guard was like...OK...I'm just gona take youz to the gate now. So we were taken to the gate and I had to speak to this massive Islander dude, who seemed like the head of security. I just kept shit talking, asking whether Aya can get a pass out so that she can go to her car to get the receipt to prove that I had purchased a ticket, blah..blah..blah, it was so funny.

After all that shit talk...the head of security just caved and gave me a wrist band (loL), coz it was just too complicated! SO YAY! I WAS FREE TO ROAM THE GROUNDS OF WANKY DEFCON!!
I found Ginger & Chris and we just partied...eventually as the day went on...everyone was able to some how find other people's tickets to get wrist bands...and Phamzy's mates got him one it was all sweet...and we just danced the whole day away, while laughing at all the wanky dancers in the crowd was very HERO like :)

For all the photos visit:

Monday 12 November 2007

Crown Oaks Day (8.11.07)

There's a first time for everything...and this was the first time I was going to the RACES!!!!!!!!! The plan was to meet @ the bat cave and head to the races by 10am. So I trained in extra early...lugging 2 picnic blankets (trust me this was not easy in my cocktail dress and heels)! Got to work early and started cutting up apples, pears and bananas to finish making our massive 2L tub of fruit salad!

JtB, Kirsty, Hairy Melon & Tomo decided that they were gona taxi, so we gave them most of the heavy shtuff. Then we were all escorted by the Adorable Dancer and tramed to the Flemington racecourse! The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we all knew this was gona be a super duper day! There were lots of people heading to the races, and when we got there, the crowd was just building up. Everyone looked fabulous, there were lots of colours and different styles. Talk about high fashion, (and also skanky fashion loL) was all there! Good to see the men enjoying their chance to dress up for a change too ;P

It was good coz we got there early enough to find a nice big patch of lawn right in between the 300 and 400 metre mark, right up close to the fence. So we parked ourselves right down and set up. Now that I have experienced the races, I have to say that I totally understand why people still go even if the don't give a rat's ass about horse racing! It's just a beautiful scene, the atmophere is's hard to describe it. Almost as if words won't do it justice. Anyhoo...there are lots of photos so enjoy.

After the races, we lugged shtuff back to the bat cave before heading to the roof top bar for some more drinkies ;P An excellent day/night!

For all the pictures from the races, please visit:

Saturday 3 November 2007

My precious keratinocytes!

I learnt how to take photos using the inverted phase microscope in tissue culture the other day! It was so exciting...I don't think I'd mind doing a scientific photography course!! So here are some pictures of the babies I've been pouring all my love and care into nurturing. They are so pretty! Totally worth the occasional Sunday trips (loL). Amazing, that these foreskin cells off baby boys can be so magnificent!!