JtB, Kirsty, Hairy Melon & Tomo decided that they were gona taxi, so we gave them most of the heavy shtuff. Then we were all escorted by the Adorable Dancer and tramed to the Flemington racecourse! The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we all knew this was gona be a super duper day! There were lots of people heading to the races, and when we got there, the crowd was just building up. Everyone looked fabulous, there were lots of colours and different styles. Talk about high fashion, (and also skanky fashion loL)...it was all there! Good to see the men enjoying their chance to dress up for a change too ;P
It was good coz we got there early enough to find a nice big patch of lawn right in between the 300 and 400 metre mark, right up close to the fence. So we parked ourselves right down and set up. Now that I have experienced the races, I have to say that I totally understand why people still go even if the don't give a rat's ass about horse racing! It's just a beautiful scene, the atmophere is amazing...it's hard to describe it. Almost as if words won't do it justice. Anyhoo...there are lots of photos so enjoy.
After the races, we lugged shtuff back to the bat cave before heading to the roof top bar for some more drinkies ;P An excellent day/night!
For all the pictures from the races, please visit: http://picasaweb.google.com.au/dancinghula/CrownOaksDay81107
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