As usual, after a night of drinking mixed drinks I couldn't sleep. Woke up after about 5hrs to find that my mobile phone was missing!! It turned out that
Mukie had it. Guess I
must had given it to him so that he could pocket it for me at 3rd Class. So I drove down to his place, picked up the phone and also said
Heya to him and
haha...they both looked pretty buggered still
The weather forecast for today was meant to be super duper sunny, something like 29 degrees. Ginger had been wanting to give bike riding a shot for a while, so I said that I'd do it with her, as she has had no experience. So the plan was to bike ride to the
Abbotsford Convent, actually checkout the farmer's market, then bath in the sun. I've always had an inkling that we
might've been pushing it a bit with this idea....
Abbotsford Convent wasn't exactly close...lots of hills...I mean, I
might've been able to make it, JUST...if I was riding with Den...but with So I managed to convince Ginger to just ride on Mont Albert road to start off.
We wiped down our bikes and pumped up the tyres (
thanx Den for the pump and gel cushion...I guess I finally used them
loL), then took off on our bikes. No kidding....after riding only down the street, Ginger was already having trouble! I was ahead of her heading down Rochester Rd...when I looked back and saw her coming down the slope, totally
un-co. and out of control! It was like a classic scene out of the Australia's Funniest Home Videos...she lost control and rode into the side of a brick fence and managed to scratch her right leg badly! She told me that she was having trouble steering her bike, so I hopped onto her bike to see what she was on about.
ROTFL....the bike wasn't even assembled properly! Ginger was riding our ancient crappy
collapsible bike from Taiwan, and she failed to check that the bike was even assembled properly! The joints of the main frame was so old and rusted we couldn't fix it. So that was basically the end of our bike riding attempt. We went home, got KT cleaned up and decided to head to Brunswick St. for a bit of frolicking in the sun.

Brunswick St. was super duper as usual...very
chillaxed. We both got shakes from San
Churros then shopped and took photos of random street art. We also checked out the Rose St artist's market. While wondering some random street off Brunswick we came across what looked like an abandoned house with a sign on the front door. A closer look had both of us
ROTFL! Classic!

After spending the whole day frolicking in the sun we went home and I napped for a couple of hours before getting up and dressing up for Kelly's Halloween party & also Jason's B-day @
LoveBox. Ginger and Lisa were dressing up as evil china doll twins...and they looked really good! I on the other hand didn't put in as much effort. I just chucked on a
LBD that I picked up at the
Camberwell markets for a bargain the other week, and also Ginger had some glow in the dark skeleton gloves and this hideous face mask so I wore them too.

Kelly's party was chilled and it was good to see all the I-viewers again. It's been such a long time. The joint was on top of a rug store on Peel St. We just
chillaxed on the
veranda and chatted with a couple of beers. It really mellowed us out big time! I let
Mayuran have a bit of fun with my costume
coz he was just plan boring! I liked how he added the
ciggie... gave him a bit of character

We left Kelly's just after 11pm
coz we wanted to get into
LoveBox for free. It was pretty empty when we got there and it was R&B not house (
should've come
coz this is your shit)! Jason was pretty trashed by the time we got there, and we bought him an
absynthe shot which probably really didn't help him either
haha! Lets just say I normally put up with R&B clubs
coz you go with mates...and it's really all about the people that you are with. However, going with only 2 other girls really didn't help! Ginger, Lisa and I got kinda mobbed and
groped by sleazy
FOBy short Asian was so
yewie!!! I was not impressed. We were so grossed out that we didn't even want to get free drinks out of these people
loL. We stayed a little then called it quits. The only
kool thing was that we all made it on to the projector! So, a fortnight ago when were were there, some in house photographer was around taking photos, and tonight some of these photos made it on to the wall. A picture of Ginger & Lisa made it and also a photo of
Mukie and Me ;P