Tuesday 19 June 2007

Click Click (15.6.07)

Man.....i can hardly remember click click already....this'll teach me to not be such a lazy ass, and blog closer to the actual date of happenings. Lets see....there's heaps of photos...so I'll just let them do all the talking this time round. Here's a quick summary....It was a kool joint....somewhat felt like a castle with all the stone walls..multiple rooms and high wooden beams. Come to think of it, this place would actually be a good place for a masquerade or some type of horror vampire ball. The crowd was very friendly....mostly alternative and kinda under-age. However, I must say it was a marked improvement from The Balcony in terms of crowd and music!! We met some of PowPow's mates and just grooved the night away. As per usual.....there were lots of camera moments....and some of the crowd were so friendly that they decided that they would like to be in our snaps too (lol). enjoy the photos :) Oh, and Ginger's feet were so sore towards the end of the night we danced "around" her shoes for a while. However, the funnies thing was her walking all the way from King to Swanston St with no shoes on for most of the way until PowPow decided to take pity on her and give her one of his shoe.

For all the funky photos from the night, visit http://picasaweb.google.com.au/dancinghula/ClickClick15607

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