Monday 16 July 2007

A disapointing bake off

So I rocked up to work last Friday with 3 loafs of my special "Oaty Banana Loaf" coz it was my turn to bring morning tea for everyone involved in this year's ACB departmental bake off. They were bloody heavy to lug around and also took me over 3 hours to make the night before because I only had one loaf tin and thus had to bake it 3 times (*gay*)!

Unfortunately, it just turned out that I'd signed myself up for the week that the IBRO (international brain research o
rganization) conference was on, so work was pretty much completely deserted :( No need to say, less than half of the bake off crowd rocked up for morning tea so i was utterly disappointed! So we went through one and a half loafs, and kept what was left of the 2nd loaf in the fridge for people.

I decided to keep the last loaf so that i can share it with family and friends as they hadn't even tried my special recipe. So in the afternoon I saw Taba, SeBear, Little Sarah & Shirley and had some of the loaf with them as afternoon tea (yum)! After I got home, I gave mum and June some loaf too and they loved it....then i wrapped up the rest and gave them to Kazza!

I must say, i think this recipe is quite a success because everyone seemed to like it, so here's the recipe:

*450g ripe bananas, mashed
*50g macadamia nuts, roughly chopped (weighed before chopping)
*115g mixture of raisins & dried apricots, roughly chopped (weighed before chopping)
* 115g muesli/ rolled oats
*1/4 cup brown sugar
*1/3 cup Olive oil
*1 table spoon of honey dissolved in 1/4 cup water
*1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

1) Mix all ingredients together (consistency should be soft and moist).
2) Spoon into a greased and lined loaf tin.
3)Bake on 190
°C (fan forced oven) for 40-50 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
4) Cool for 10 minutes before turning out.
5) Serve warm.

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