Monday 30 July 2007

My slack ass random weekend (21&22. 07.2007)

Well, so much for being good and updating my blog every! I'm going to try really hard to remember what I did two weekends probably isn't that much to remember coz I had my first totally random, unplanned, slack ass weekend...and it was bloody freaking GREAT! Think I've been needing it for quite a while coz I was getting totally frustrated and disappointed with work. Got so bad the other day (when I couldn't mount half of my tongue sections because they had all died, after I went through like 6hrs of cryostating) MallyMoodle had to rush to the Phd room and get me some of her port. So there I was, going out of my mind and drinking port in the ACB tea room at 1pm (haha....funny now that I look back), so I guess I know understand why so many Phd students and researchers can really "take their alcohol"!

One thing that I do remember is that My comfy new bed got delivered on Saturday! I was so excited! After sleeping in a 15yr old bed, that doubled as a trampoline for my sisters I for say bout 10 yrs or so, I was stoked to be sleeping in my new "Presidential" class queen size mattress. The bed is nicely padded and springy but at the same time it's very firm, so good for my back! It was so so comfy and I slept like a baby!
Meanwhile, I was going through my mobile phone files and found some old photos that I had taken...a couple of them were obviously taken when me and Markdot were in one of our ridiculous silly states:

I don't even remember when this happened....but probably after a couple of last semester's Friday seminar drinks (lol)! I also found a nice one of me, Markdot & Annie at PAs from I don't know when...
YAY! Finding random old photos is good :)
Anyhoo.....what else did I do on Sat....oh yeah....had another one of those deep tissue massage thingos with the Chinese physio dude so felt super relaxed although a bit tender afterwards. Sunday was crusiy....slept in heaps (this seems to be my new trend) then ventured up to the Doncaster East area to visit cousin's family and my little kawaii cousin Masato. of the down sides about trying to write a blog for something that happened a while ago is that you never try hard enough coz all I want to do now is write about what happened last weekend instead of trying to remember what happened 2 weekends ago! So I'm just gona give up now...

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